The delay in release of Aamir Khan’s upcoming movie ‘Talaash’ has come up as a disappointment for the fans. The project which was to be released in June will now entertain the crowd in November. The reason why Mr. Perfectionist has decided to hold up on this project is that the actor wants to concentrate on his TV show, Satyamev Jayate, which goes on air in May.
Not just Talaash, recently it was reported that Aamir Khan has also postponed the shoot for Yash Raj’s ‘DHOOM: 3’, indefinitely. As per reports the actor was supposed to start shooting for ‘Dhoom: 3’ in June. But with an outburst of fire on the sets of Satyamev Jayate the show got delayed. As a result he has now requested Aditya Chopra to push his shoot by a month. Aamir Khan will wrap up his TV show Satyamev Jayate by May-end, said a source and then will spend a month, June getting into the character of ‘Dhoom: 3’. Whether it is ‘Talaash’ or ‘Dhoom: 3’, we just hope that all the interruptions are worth the wait
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